Wiebke Trunk


  Art education    Curating   Curriculum vitae


Curatorship / Conception

Dezember 2010 Conception and realization of the International Conference „faits divers - talk about it“ on behalf of ifa Berlin.

Photo: Liz Ellis and Sheila Grandison discussing thinking about looking, a cooperation between Newham Hospital and Tate Modern >>

July - November 07
Co-curator of the Exhibition “Irgendwann ist Schluss mit lustig! Interventionen in Werbung” (Enough with the nonsense already! Interventions in advertising),
arttransponder gallery, Berlin

The starting point for the group exhibition in arttransponder's project room was an image from 2006 from the TV guide Hörzu with the title: “Irgendwann nimmt man nicht mehr irgendwas” (Some day you won't take just anything anymore). The resulting project, “Irgendwann ist Schluss mit lustig!” (Enough with the nonsense already!), thematized sexist, racist, and normative pictorial concepts in current advertising imagery.

July 06 - July 07 Artistic project management of “Fotoprojekt 2007” for the KulturRegion Stuttgart „...und grüßen Sie mir die Welt / fotografierte Heimaten exhibition project of current photography on the theme of identity and homeland

The quote from Heinrich Heine, which translates to “...and give my regards to the world,” served as a title for the project, on which nineteen cities belonging to the KulturRegion Stuttgart participated from July to September 2007, exhibiting contemporary photography on the theme of identity and homeland - in collaboration with the Stuttgart City Library, Foto-Triennale Esslingen, Fotosommer Stuttgart, and the Deutsche Fotografische Akademie.

<< Photo: Installation of the series „Jugendliche Heimat“ (2007) by Andrea Lühmann, which was produced within the framework of „...und grüßen Sie mir die Welt / fotografierte Heimaten.“

February - May 06 „Couture Commune“
Initial idea, concept planning and implementation, together with Lambert Mousseka; international workshop, exhibition, and events on issues of textile culture in Europe and Africa, on behalf of Künstlerhauses Stuttgart in cooperation with the cultural center Espace Masolo, Kinshasa/Congo

“Couture Commune” was a multi-part artistic project of Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, which was based on an idea developed by Lambert Mousseka and me. African and European artists, theoreticians, and designers joined together to design a “Couture Commune,” seeking to scrutinize questions of African and European textile culture and its social significance-in a workshop, a photo shoot, an exhibition, and a fashion show. The attendant publication appeared in 2008 under title Les Histoires Communes (edited by Elke a. d. Moore).

<< Photo and Design: Fathy Tshikanke  

March - April 05 Co-curator of the discussion series “Inselungen” (Insularities), on questions of national and international identity, Künstlerhaus Stuttgart

1996 - 2001 Founding member the group FLEX-communication of art and culture.
The group Flex comprised artists and art historians, especially in Stuttgart and its surroundings, who developed an alternative education program to augment the offerings of the major cultural institutions.

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Imprint (german)